Letter from the Editor

Dear Reader,

Words fail me as I attempt to convey the great pride with which I welcome you to Volume II Issue I of Liber. This is not precisely an inaugural issue – Volume I Issue I, II, and III were published back in 2018 and 2019 – but it does mark a new beginning for Liber.

As COVID-19 crippled the world, Liber, too, was severely debilitated. Understandably, little work could be done during this time. However, as the world rebounded from the unprecedented obstacle, efforts were made to revitalize Liber. The 2022-2023 Liber Board began this work with a new issue: Volume II Issue I. The theme for this issue would be the opening line of Vergil’s Aeneid, Arma virumque cano (“I sing of arms and a man”). Their work was invaluable, but far from complete by the end of the 2023 academic year. As such, when I was appointed Editor-in-Chief in the fall of 2023, I was determined to complete the rebirth of Liber. Together with my fellow board members and our esteemed faculty advisor Dr. Troy Samuels, we have restored (and perhaps surpassed) Liber’s former glory. In the span of a few months, we have – to name a few accomplishments – re-established club membership, founded exeterliber.org, and produced Volume II Issue I and Volume DXC Issue I.

This is not to say that the past few months have been entirely smooth sailing. A few obstacles were laid in our path. We faced opposition from former board members and found the theme to be too intellectually restrictive. But, these trials were minimal in comparison to the colossus that Liber had become; we vanquished our opponents and adapted our understanding of the theme to make it more flexible.

The culmination of these efforts is, of course, this very issue, Volume II Issue I. It contains twenty articles written by seventeen Exonians. They were subdivided into four broad categories: Art & Archaeology, History, Literature, and Classics Today. The articles were then organized alphabetically by last name. The diversity of article topics is just as impressive as the quality of submissions we received. Articles range from original compositions to scholarly works to movie reviews.  

I would like to acknowledge the efforts that made this publication possible. First, I would like to thank my fellow board members, Jasper Chen ‘24, Director of Writing, and Kendra Wang ‘25, Director of Layout, for their invaluable aid. I would also like to thank Audrey Dent ‘26 for designing the cover and Olivia Pierre ‘26 for assisting in the design of the print issue. Second, I would like to thank Dr. Matthew Hartnett, the Behr Fund, and the Department of Classics for providing Liber with the funding and space to work. Finally, I would like to extend the greatest thanks to our faculty advisor, Dr. Troy Samuels. No matter how much we may have vexed him, he sacrificed his Thursday lunches to partake in club meetings. Above all, he provided us with constant advice and unwavering support. This issue would not have been possible without him.

With that, I am delighted to present you Volume II Issue I of Liber; I hope you enjoy its content as fiercely as I do.

Vale and Χαίρε,

Rajiv Raval, Editor-in-Chief

Phillips Exeter Academy Class of 2024


Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius by Gian Lorenzo Bernini